The Sutherland Shire and St George Youth Music Awards (YMA) 2024
The YMA is an annual event organised by Sutherland Music Club (SMC) in association with several sponsors. Applications are now open for both Performance & Composition sections for YMA 2024. Total prizes for this 32nd YMA exceed $6,000 in cash & vouchers, along with other awards. The Awards encourage individual performers to show their style and versatility in a spirit of friendly competition. We seek to encourage musical and performance excellence in classical music, opera, jazz, music theatre, world music, folk and cabaret. The performance experience can assist young musicians to develop into confident, creative artists. Emphasis is placed on the entrant’s ability to communicate with the audience, on a sound technical base.
Approximately 12 Performance Finalists will be selected at the Auditions to perform in the Finals Concert. Prizes will be awarded to encourage music learning and performance opportunities.
Solo Performance Section.
This section is open to 13 to 18 year olds who live or attend school in the Sutherland Shire or St George area. We are delighted to have Dr Steve Watson & Elizabeth Lim adjudicating the Performance Section.
Attention vocalists - there are also prizes for the best Opera, Music Theatre & Folk performances
Two Sections in Young Composer Sections
Note: New prize for best Singer-Songwriter in each Composition Section
1. SMC Banksia Award for Young Composers
This is open to 13 to 18 year olds who live or attend school in the Sutherland Shire or St George area. The 2024 Banksia Section theme is "Bold & Fearless!" (i.e. making bold compositional choices; the piece doesn't have to sound 'heroic') Adjudicated by Ben Robinson. Past YMA 1st place Banksia Composition winners are ineligible to re-enter this section. An encouragement prize will awarded to a first-time YMA Composition entrant.
2. SMC Waratah Award for Young Composers
This is open to 19 to 21 year olds who either live in the Sutherland Shire or St George area, or have been previous entrants in our Youth Music Awards. Past YMA 1st place Banksia Composition winners, even if not yet 19, have the honour of also being invited to enter. The 2024 Waratah section theme, is "Colour & Shapes", adjudicated by Claire Edwards.